Explore our service bundles and see how Southern Stars can save you time and money! Each household can vary with its maintenance needs, it can be a hassle to find multiple contractors/technicians to inspect everything you need serviced throughout the year. Southern Stars can save you time by providing a single day service for Air Conditioning, Electrical Switchboards, Smoke Alarms and Solar Panels.
Having this maintenance taken care of in one visit will save much headache and time by dealing with the one professional Team. In addition to the time saved, we have discounted each service chosen by 2%, with all four services selected, you can be saving up to 8% of your maintenance costs!
Explore below the importance of regular maintenance for your household:
Air Conditioner Maintenance & Servicing
Electrical Switchboard Inspection
Call the Team at Southern Stars today and tell us about your maintenance needs and we will save you time and money!